Innovations in Sugar Reduction: The Incredo Technology Breakthrough

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Innovations in Sugar Reduction: The Incredo Technology Breakthrough

Hello, sugar enthusiasts! Brace yourselves for a taste of innovation as we delve into the realm of sugar reduction, shining a spotlight on the magic of Incredo Technology. Join the conversation with Daniel Protz, the mastermind behind FlavorWiki, the ultimate Product & Consumer Experience Platform for the food industry, and Dr. Naama Lahav, the innovative Director of Product at Incredo Sugar, the trailblazer in sugar reduction. Get ready for an engaging dialogue on the future of sugar reduction! Incredo Sugar is on a sweet mission, offering 30%-50% less sugar in your beloved treats, from cakes to candies, all without sacrificing taste or sweetness. It's not just a solution; it's their mission to create a happier, healthier world. Let the sugar transformation begin!

Duration: 60 Min • Nov 3rd, 2023

About the speakers

  • Daniel Protz

    Founder & CEO

    Daniel Protz is the Founder & CEO of FlavorWiki. He holds a bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College and an MBA from Stanford Business School. His professional background includes top global firms like Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and Groupon, where he designed, built and implemented technology to support inventory, customer service, content publishing and pricing automation for 1 Billion+ USD e-commerce businesses.

  • Namaa Lahav

    Director of Product

    Dr.Namaa Lahav has a PhD in Chemistry from the renowned Weizmann Institute of Science. With five years of experience at Incredo, she serves as a team leader in R&D and holds the role of Product Manager for Incredo Sugar.
    Incredo Sugar:
    Incredo Sugar is a sugar reduction solution that provides anywhere between 30%-50% reduction of sugar in food and snacks such as cakes, cookies, chocolate, candy and more, with no compromise to the taste or the level of sweetness. Incredo is on a mission to make the world a happier and healthier place. With the introduction of Incredo® Sugar, Incredo can empower both delicious taste and improved nutrition, all while curbing the overconsumption of sugar.

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